Trucut Biopsy

A Tru-Cut biopsy is a medical procedure used to obtain a small sample of tissue from a suspicious lesion or mass for diagnostic evaluation. This technique is often employed in various medical fields, including oncology and pathology. The procedure involves using a specially designed needle called a Tru-Cut needle, which has a cutting edge that enables the collection of a cylindrical tissue sample. Typically guided by imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT scans, or X-rays, the Tru-Cut biopsy allows for accurate targeting of the specific area of concern. This minimally invasive approach offers several advantages, including a relatively quick and outpatient procedure with lower risk compared to traditional open biopsies. Tru-Cut biopsies are particularly useful in diagnosing lesions in organs such as the liver, breast, and prostate, providing important information for treatment planning and determining the nature of the tissue abnormality, whether benign or malignant.